Small Bugfixes

A small bugfix update that fixes a few softlocks and crashes that slipped past testing. Nothing major this time around!

Update Notes:


⦁ Conno's Shop no longer shuts down after recruiting 16 or more characters

⦁ Leaving Noraki's hideout without recruiting her no longer softlocks the questline

⦁ Fixed up the tileset in Nasvi's Castle

⦁ Did a pass of the left torch room in Nasvi's Castle. You should be able to jump over every gap now.

⦁ The chase encounter in the second floor of Nasvi's Castle has been reworked, fixing a possible crash.

⦁ The last chest in Cybersphere EL-01 no longer gives out a rude item.


⦁ Empty Radiance no longer uses Angel Blessing and heals much less in general. However, her HP has been buffed to compensate

⦁ Significantly increased the money dropped by monsters in Nasvi's Castle


World of Monsters Version 1.4.01
15 days ago

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